Thursday, December 11, 2014

Final Project: Minimalist Collage

My collage was about how women try to assimilate themselves by "perfecting" their bodies with enhancers but turn out to look very unnatural and scary. I used scale by choosing disproportionate features; I chose eyes that were too big for the head, and a body that was too small for the head. I placed the figure in the center bottom of the page so her hands could come off the page and it seem as though she is trying to hold on to it. The hair I chose had a large hand in it so I kept it and created it to seem as though the hand was a bigger/higher person than the "woman" and trying to fix her hair and it make it bigger while it is already perfect and big enough. I isolated the figure and did not add anything else so it could be the only thing on the page to draw attention. I also incorporated stitching the pieces together to give off a "Frankenstein" look to it in order to create unity, which I was very successful with. This piece overall is my personal favorite because it touched a very interesting realistic subject. This project is very similar to the collage project we created by incorporating proportion, scale, and isolation.

Memory Game

The condition of the deck of cards were well crafted-- there were very few to no blemishes or smudges and the colors were very opaque. Though they could have been better, much time and effort was put into creating the cards. I used repetition of the poppy flower images and created a simple design on the front and back of the cards. I created a trivia game about Remembrance Day in the UK and tested the player's knowledge on why the flower is a very strong symbol and how it has very great influence over the years. The deck of cards show unity and integration because they are the same on the front and back and show relation to each other. I had originally planned to create a game board and include dice and pawns, but it came to be more difficult than I had thought and ran out of time. I would have been more successful if I had incorporated the game board with the dice and pawns. I was very successful painting the poppy flowers onto the tracing paper and cutting them out with the cutting knife and gluing them onto the cards. This project was very similar to the "Color Spinners" project because we had to create a design and repeat it through out the piece in different scales.

Selfie: Value, Line, Shape, Negative Space

I used texture and value to create the illusion of depth by using black paint and ink mixed with water to create the grays. I showed a well use of contrast and negative space by using a white ink pen with a very tight pattern to illustrate it as the darkest dark and then gradually spaced out the pattern to differentiate between the background and my hair in the photo. with the whitest white, I used a black ink pen to create the same contrast as the white ink pen with a black background. I carefully painted and used the removable tape so no smudges or blemishes were created and was very successful. I would change the way I set up the pattern; trying to cover the entire black background was a very tedious task. This project was very similar to the "Figure/Ground" project because the objective was to use contrasting colors; the white/black ink pens created much contrast.



The talisman I created started with a font that looked similar to Arabic. I did not have a particular design in mind so I started to create different lines with the letters L, I, and F-- my initials. The outcome of the design was very successful and it looks like a bit like Chinese. I was very content with the image I created. For the next step, I printed a larger scale of the design and a smaller one; I went to Michaels to buy a fabric marker and a T-shirt. I used the larger scaled design to trace onto the shirt and I used the smaller version to trace onto Bristol Board. The process of tracing the design on the shirt with fabric marker was very difficult and tedious so I decided to use Sharpie instead and I had a more successful outcome. The talisman conveyed friendship because I am with or talking to my friends ritualistically. The talisman was created on a shirt starting out with myself wearing the original design. Then, the shirt was handed off to four different friends over a course of five days--each friend had the shirt for one day. Each friend that had the shirt, had to alter the original design by adding their own style to it; so as the five days went by, the design had changed. It was supposed to signify how over a course of a lifetime, those who you surround yourself with have great influence on you in one way or another. Creating my talisman on Bristol Board was a very easy and straight forward process. I had no problems with keeping my negative space clean and without blemishes anywhere on the paper. I can relate this project to the "Color Spinners" project when we started the designs on paper and had to just draw lines and switch with those at our tables. For both projects there was no control over the outcome of the design.

Eco-Art Interventions

I chose to use leaves for this project because they were very ubiquitous. The only problem I had was finding the same type of small vibrant red leaves to give it a more well-put-together and unified look all around. This site was chosen because it was very dull and dark. The vibrant yellow, orange, and red colors of the leaves would have created emphasis and line--in order to carry the viewer's eyes around in a circle around the picture. I created a unified application of materials by putting the vibrant leaves in the cracks between the sewage cover and the ground creating emphasis on the leaves. Looking at this piece, the bright color of the leaves are "enough" to catch attention and draw the eyes away from the center.